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A member registered Sep 03, 2016

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Handn't slowed down on any jumps, and since the 65 was on screen for almost a second I think it was almost 66 xd, a 64 might be possible for a robot, but for now I think I'm done :P
Had a run where I died like 2 jumps away from winning, that could have been a second faster but whatever, still 72s xD I think fastest possible time is ~65-68 sec
(1 edit)

i had a 89 sec 6 death run but was more careful this time :D

I think that would make it MUCH easier, so nah

When you have a music player paused, pausing the game and resuming it causes the in-game music/video player to continue, the play button still shows the triangle even when the media is being played, pressing it only changes the triangle to two bars and the media continues playing.

Why am I writing so formally lol